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A content brief sets clear expectations for your writing project upfront.

Here’s a sample template you can duplicate and edit.

Area Guide
SEO Title/H1 Your article title goes here. Keep it under 60 characters.
Meta description Say what the article is about in <160 characters and include the primary keyword.
URL Slug /your-keyword-here-like-this
Content goal Primary content purpose: to inform, entertain, persuade or convert. Define your aim clearly.
Audience profile Describe your ideal reader and include their demographics, interests, and pain points. Also, include the solutions to their problems.
Problem solutions This is where you list the solutions to your audience’s needs (if you haven't already written it out), and how your product/service will help.
Word count Target content length
Main keyword and semantic entities The primary target keyword and related words and phrases that support it.
Search intent The reader’s primary goal when typing a query into a search engine is informational, Transactional, Commercial or Navigational.
Unique angle/POV What makes your content different or more valuable to readers? What approach will you take?
Tone and style guide Refer to brand guidelines or provide examples to guide the writer.
Heading structure or scope A tentative table of contents or topic hierarchy that ensures all key points are covered.
Subject-matter expert insights Including interview transcripts, quotes, or recommended experts to consult for credibility.
References Trusted sites to support claims made in the article or to draw inspiration from.
Competitors Similar content from industry rivals.
Internal links Links from your own website related to the topic.
Visuals or image suggestions Descriptions or examples of graphics that complement the content.
CTA A clear directive to readers, guiding them towards the intended next step.
Distribution platform Where will this content be published?
Additional notes Supplementary information or essential context.

<aside> ⚠️ Duplicate to make your own editable copy.


Here’s a pre-filled template I created for my article on Why Writers Need Content Briefs.

Area Guide
SEO Title/H1 Why Writers Need Content Briefs
Meta description Set clear expectations for your writing project upfront. See all a brief should contain, why they’re important and a customizable template.
URL Slug /content-brief-template
Content goal - Lead gen

Pain points:


Semantics: content brief, content goals, writers, content creation, template, brand voice, editorial guidelines, expectations, content strategy, article structure, clear communication | | Search intent | Informational, Transactional | | Unique angle/POV | I don’t just cover what content briefs contain or why the brief is important; I also say why it’s important to provide all that info to the writer. | | Tone and style guide | Tone:

Style guide:

Original images:

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<aside> 💜 If you liked this template, you will love my popular SEO Writing Checklist.


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